
  关井化工有限公司.有限公司. (President: Keita Kato; hereinafter “SEKISUI 化学”) announces that it commenced a demonstration test to install film-type perovskite solar cells at thermal power stations together with JERA有限公司.公司. (President: Satoshi Onoda; hereinafter “JERA”) 3月24日, 2023.


  As the decarbonization of energy is required to realize a decarbonized society by 2050, film-type perovskite solar cells are seen as a promising option to expand the introduction of renewable energy. 它们轻巧灵活, enabling installation in a variety of locations at various sites where it is difficult to install conventional silicon-based solar cells.

  SEKISUI 化学 has created a 30 cm-wide roll-to-roll manufacturing process utilizing its original “sealing, 膜的形成, 材料与工艺技术,,并证实了相当于10年的户外耐用性, which is said to be critical to the development of film-type perovskite solar cells. 此外, this manufacturing process has been successfully used to produce film-type perovskite solar cells with a power generation efficiency of 15.0%. Development is being accelerated to further improve durability and power generation efficiency, 以及建立1米宽轧辊的制造技术.

  JERA is actively working toward decarbonization as 日本最大的电力生产商. 它成立了“JERA Zero CO .”2 “2050年排放”,并正在接受实现几乎零二氧化碳排放的挑战2 emissions from its operations by 2050 through renewable energy and zero-emission thermal power that does not emit CO2 在一代. JERA plans to increase its own renewable energy generation capacity to 5 GW by 2025. 它在日本各地拥有26座火力发电站, and decided to work together with SEKISUI 化学 on this joint demonstration test to install film-type perovskite solar cells based on the belief that these assets can be used to solve the problem of decarbonization.


  JERA所有的26个热电站都位于沿海地区, thus requiring the installation of salt-resistant solar power generation equipment. 相应的, 3月24日, film-type perovskite solar cells were installed at the Yokosuka Thermal Power Station (Yokosuka, 神奈川县)和鹿岛热电站(神素), 茨城县),以证明对盐损害的抵抗力, 防沾污性, 以及发电性能. 同时, installation methods on surfaces such as lightweight roofs and walls of power plant buildings will be verified, 各种法律法规也将得到解决. Large-scale installation at the Yokosuka Thermal Power Station is targeted 2025 following installation and issue verification in a small area.
  This is the first demonstration test of film-type perovskite solar cells at thermal power stations in 日本.


(Photos of film-type perovskite solar cell installation; Yokosuka Thermal Power Station)


  Both companies will establish a method for introducing renewable energy to thermal power station assets through this demonstration. This will allow for the gradual introduction of renewable energy to JERA’s thermal power stations, 包括横须贺热电站, 从而促进它们的脱碳.

  SEKISUI 化学 Group set its vision statement as “创新 for the Earth” in Vision 2030, 它的长期愿景. We announced to support the basis of LIFE and will continue to create “peace of mind for the future” in order to realize a sustainable society. We are working on new technologies and 业务es that contribute to decarbonization.
  展望未来, SEKISUI 化学 Group aims to realize both a sustainable society and sustainable growth of the Group itself, 为进一步解决社会问题作出贡献, and promote initiatives to remain as a company that continues to be trusted by all of our stakeholders.


Established in April 2015 through a 50-50 investment by Tokyo Electric Power Company, 中部电力股份有限公司.公司. 日本最大的电力生产商, it handles one of the world's largest volumes of fuel and generates approximately 30% of 日本's electricity.

Film-type Perovskite Solar Cells Installed in Umekita (Osaka) Station (Announced on August 3, 2022)
Commencement of Joint Research on Film-type Perovskite Solar Cells with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (Announced on December 2, 2022)
Commencement of 日本’s First Demonstration Test of Perovskite Solar Cells Installed on Exterior Walls of Buildings (Announced on February 13, 2023)


SEKISUI化学株式会社总部位于日本.有限公司. (TSE: 4204)及其子公司组成了娱乐大发澳门赌博平台. 27,000 employees in over 200 companies throughout 21 countries and regions aim to contribute to improving the lives of the people of the world and the earth’s environment. 这要归功于创新的历史, 奉献和开拓精神, SEKISUI 化学 now holds leading positions in its three diverse 业务 divisions as well as top global market share in interlayer film, 泡沫产品, 导电颗粒等.
自1947年成立以来, the SEKISUI 化学 Group has dedicated itself to social and environmental contribution and is now an internationally recognized leader in sustainability and environmental initiatives, having recently been selected as one of the 全球 100 most sustainable companies. SEKISUI 化学 Group will continue to maintain a strong corporate presence for 100 years and beyond.




本新闻稿可能包含前瞻性陈述. Such forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements due to changes in global economic, 业务, 竞争市场和监管因素.